Tuesday, August 18, 2015

DID & COMM Pre-Test


1.       This technique removes color from and image, converting it to grayscale, but allows the image to remain in RGB:
a)      quick mask mode
b)      levels and curves
c)       desaturate
d)      CMYK

2.       Control Z is the keyboard short cut to
a.        undo
b.       deselect
c.         increase brush size
d.       Desaturate

3.       Which selection tool selects areas according to freeform shapes?
a.        magic wand
b.       lasso
c.        rectangular marquee
d.       eye dropper

4.       Which keyboard shortcut will increase or decrease the size of many working tools?
a.        control L
b.        left and right arrows
c.        left and right parenthesis
d.       left and right bracket

5.       Layers pallet allows you to:
a.        lower the opacity of certain layers
b.       desaturate certain layers
c.        change the brush size of certain tools
d.       adjust tonal range of layers

6.       Layers pallet also allows you to:
a.        erases areas of selected areas
b.       rearrange layers
c.        apply gradients to your backgrounds
d.       choose colors to paint wit

7.       Control C is the keyboard shortcut for:
a.        cutting
b.       clearing
c.        pasting
d.       copying

8.       The crop tool allows you to:
a.        resize an image with forced dimensions
b.       remove unwanted portions of an image
c.        improve the composition of an image and change the focal point
d.       all of the above

9.       The healing brush is different than the clone stamp in that it
a)       Heals any mistakes that you’ve made with your camera
b)       Takes into account the surrounding pixel colors and attempts to match it
c)       It duplicates exactly the selected area.
d)       None of the above

10.    The magic wand is a selection tool that makes selections based on
a)       Geometric shapes
b)       Straight lines
c)       Contrast
d)       Like colors

11.    The options pallet allows you to
a) make adjustments to whatever tool you are currently working on
b) add adjustment layers
c) choose from a very large pallet of colors
d) none of the above


12.    Which color mode does a computer monitor use, and which does a printer use?
a.        Monitor uses RGB, printer uses CMYK
b.       Monitor uses RGB, printer use RGB
c.        Monitor uses CYMK, printer uses RGB
d.       Monitor uses CYNK, printer uses Grayscale

13.    What is the direct selection tool?
a.        Allows the selection of individual shapes
b.       Allows the selection of individual lines
c.        Allows the selection of individual letters
d.       Allows the selection of individual points

14.    You can change the width and length of an artboard after you create it
a.        True
b.       False

15.    What does live paint allow you to do?
a.        Fill specific areas different colors
b.       Change the color of the whole image at once
c.        Draw things freely by hand
d.       Remove color from an image

16.    Fundamental transformation tools include all of the following except:
a.        Scale
b.       Rotate
c.        Reflect
d.       Invert

17.    RGB stands for:
a.        Red, green, black
b.       Red, gray, blue
c.        Red, gray, black
d.       Red, green, blue

18.    Illustrator creates resolution-independent images.
a.        True
b.       False

19.    Screen resolution and Print resolution are the same thing.
a.        True
b.       False

20.    The preferred print resolution is ____ DPI.
a.        72
b.       150

c.        300

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