Wednesday, February 17, 2016

DPI 1: Try to Match the Images

Match the Image

Using the knowledge and skills you have developed over the last two semesters, try to match the below images.

  1. First, look at each image. Study the editing and effects being used. Be observant and detail orientated!
  2. Second, determine what tools and methods you will need.
  3. Third, experiment. You may not get things right on the first try!
  4. Lastly, match each of the images below using your own images.
  5. Post your images to your blog.
Brady: Soft edges, black and white/sepia, contrast, brightness, blurs, burn and dodge

Adams: high contrast, deep shadows, burn and dodge, full grays, blurs, layer blending modes

Cameron: serpia, soft tones, blurs, soft edges, vignette, burn and dodge, layer blending modes, masking, adjustment layers, gradient overlay

Avedon: border/edging, high contrast, levels, burn and dodge, layer blending modes
(just the black and white border - you do not need the gold border or the text)

Leibovitz: high contrast, shadows and highlights, high pass, color tints, photo filter, hue/sat, levels, burn and dodge, layer blending modes, masking

Uelsmann: blending to images together (eraser, masking, etc.), vignette, shadows, high pass, burn and dodge, curves, layer blending modes, layers

You are being evaluated on MATCHING - how well did you copy the images?

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